Robot delavca zamenjal za škatlo in ga zmečkal
SiolNET 09.11.2023 | Na. R.
V Južni Koreji se je zgodila tragična nesreča, ko je robotska roka 40-letnega delavca zamenjala za škatlo, ga zgrabila, potisnila na tekoči trak in zmečkala. Kljub pomoči v bolnišnici je moški tam umrl.
1. A man has been crushed to death by a robot in South Korea, after it failed to differentiate him from the boxes of food it was handling. According to Yonhap, the robotic arm appeared to have malfunctioned and identified the man as a box, as it lifted boxes of bell peppers. — BFM News (@NewsBFM) November 9, 2023 Nesreča se je zgodila, ko je moški med delom v tovarni za sortiranje paprike pregledoval robotski senzor. V nekem trenutku ga